Email Marketing

We all prove that every day our e-mail is flooded with automated messages and news, which give us nothing but additional worries. Either we do not even open the email or we refuse the subscription.

Of course, we do not offer to join this incomprehensible noise, however, according to Constant Contact, the ROI (investment income) from email marketing is $ 42 for every $ 1.

Needless to say, Email plays an important role in marketing strategy, and its success is largely due to the proper implementation and implementation of our Email campaigns.

First you need to understand the essence of the Email campaign in social media marketing for small business. It is the transfer of content created by us to consumers. via email, may have different purposes, but regardless of them, it must have real value for the recipient.

Email Campaign 's goals are, for example, to increase the flow of visitors to our website, to increase awareness of the brand (as email-'s not all recipients are willing to make, and they need more training and deliver appropriate content). Another goal of the campaign is to collect leads, prepare for the purchase, and ultimately generate revenue when the email is created to invite our existing customers to make additional purchases or is directed to the Leads who have not completed the purchase, reminding them of the items in the cart. About:

In all cases, to have an effective Email marketing campaign, you need to follow these steps:

Understand Who You Are Sending Your Email To

You will have heard the phrase, "When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one. " This means that by sending a general email to all followers, you are missing out on the opportunity to speak directly to each addressee and transfer personalized content. One of the most important conditions for having a really valuable campaign is an identified audience, when the recipients receive our emails in the right segmentation, in the right place, at the right time.

Set A Clear Goal for the Campaign

Believe me, just sending an Email to delete a message from the to do list will not succeed. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

 Plan In Advance the Emails That Will Be Included In the Campaign

Once you understand who you are writing to and why, it is time to find out how the recipient should move from point A to point B when they receive the message, that is, what strategy to develop for the campaign for many digital marketing company.

Keep in mind that you can't solve multiple tasks with one message at a time, so your campaign may consist of multiple emails created for different purposes. For example, in order to generate leads, you first need to send training emails to increase awareness, then to increase engagement, and then only think about focusing on conversion.


Given Enough Time to The Headlines

No one will reach the content of your email if you do not create a compelling header that will motivate you to click. So, think long and hard when creating these lines, otherwise the entire content of the message will be ignored.

Write Content That Matches the Recipients

After successfully performing the steps mentioned in the previous paragraphs, you need to clearly understand what content to deliver to the reader in order to achieve the goal set before the email. For example, you should not send an incentive message to people who are in the early stages of consumer awareness, for example.

Use Proper Toolkit

There are a number of Builders for building emails that allow you to create creative, distinctive, functionally targeted messages. Even free versions will allow you to make really valuable and effective campaigns.

Do Not Forget the Individual Approach Pictorial Presentation of Content

Very few people will be interested in an email starting with the phrase "Hello, Madam / Sir", instead the reader may see his or her first or last name, which will be an incentive to open the email. In addition, the reader is not interested in just reading the "binding" message containing a text section, so the email should be built with interesting graphic images, plain text, which will allow you to immediately understand the information being transmitted.

Do Not Miss the Opportunity to Use Call to Action

Remember that while taking your customer one email space in the inbox, you need to have a clear message to them. What do you expect the reader to receive, and what should he do next? By using appropriate calls to action on the consumer's path, you will guide the latter to take further steps that will bring them closer and closer to achieving the goal of the campaign. Be sure to test the email you created before sending it to your readers. Do the links other details work as intended on all devices (phone, computer)? Combining your creativity and motivation with these basic steps, you will confidently carry out really working Email campaigns, you will soon feel their effectiveness.